Friday, March 2, 2007

Habit induced injuries?

So, I know my post title is "Jen Loves 2 Knit", but I have decided to teach myself to crochet as well. My grandmother crochets, and at one point in my childhood, attempted to teach me. I am left handed, she is right. At the time, I didn't have the capacity to attempt to do ANYTHING right handed. However, I now both knit right handed, and am learning to crochet right handed. My grandmother would be proud, and when I see her in May, I will be excited to show her my new talent, and hope to learn more from her. But, here is my dilemma...I have found that when knitting with the smaller size needles I tend to get a callous on my left forefinger from pushing the needle out of the stitch. Not that big of a deal, once the project is complete, the callous goes away. Last night was my first actual attempt at crocheting a real object....a dishcloth. I hold my hook like a knife, not a pencil, and after crocheting about 6 rows, I started to notice the loss of feeling in my right ring finger. Going back to my experience with knitting, I thought, "Well, this will be better in the morning, this must be my sign to put down the hook and yarn for the night" However, this morning, and still now, I continue to have numbness in the tip of my ring finger! I am hoping that it goes away gradually through the day so that I am not disabled from my favorite past times, though perhaps I should just alternate my knitting and crocheting enough to where I keep my injuries at a minimum! Who knew just how dangerous these two activities could be!!! Safe knitting and crocheting to you all.

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